6 Ways to Combat a Reading Slump

adult book boring face

Getting out of a reading slump can be a huge challenge. Finding another book to read after finishing a life-changing series always seems like a drag. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll read like 20 books in a month, and then you won’t touch another one for 5 years.

Yet, hope is not lost. If you still have that urge to read (or have that Goodreads goal to hit), but you don’t know what to pick up next, we have a few ideas for you to try.

Combat your reading slump by picking up an old favorite.

Sometimes there’s nothing better than picking up a book or series that gives you that nostalgic feeling. Going back to the book(s) that made you love reading in the first place are a good place to start when you don’t know where else to go.

challenging a reading slump

Picking up a familiar book is also a good way to have a low-stress reading experience. You don’t have to worry if you’ll like the book or not, and there’s no anxiety about what’s about to happen next. Going back to the basics is, in our opinion, the best way to keep reading when you are in a reading lull.

On the other hand, try changing things up for a fresh start.

If picking up an old favorite isn’t an option, run in the complete opposite direction instead. Switch things up with a new author, genre, or medium. If your normal faves aren’t cutting it, trying something new might be just the pick-me-up you need to keep going.

beating a reading lull

Trying reading an author you’ve never heard of for a fresh voice and style that you aren’t used to keep things interesting. Reading a new genre is another way to spice things up, and you may even find that you have a new favorite! We also suggest trying a new medium. Listen to an audiobook if you don’t usually do so, or try a webcomic or graphic novel for a visual boost.

Find a friend to read with or join a book club.

Grabbing a friend (or five) to read along with you can be the most fun way to get out of a reading slump. Not only does it help to keep you accountable, especially if you join a book club, but even just having one friend to talk about your book with can be a fun way to start reading again.

overcoming a reading slump

If you and your friends don’t know what to read, finding a book club reading list is a good place to find something new. There are tons of celebrity book clubs out there like Reese’s Book Club to check out, and even Netflix has a book club of their own based on your favorite Netflix tv and films!

Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations!

Ask your friends, family, teachers, or any other book lovers what their favorite books are. Be open to suggestions, and maybe something will catch your eye! It can be really fun to read someone else’s favorite book, especially if it’s someone you love. Reading someone else’s fave is almost like a secret window into their soul (I know, I know. That sounded corny to even me, but it’s true!)

book recommendations

Picking up a book that someone else recommends also takes the stress off of finding a new book. Instead of going on the hunt for something to read, you literally just get a new book served on a platter! Even if you end up totally hating the book, trying something new and hating it might be exactly what you needed to get back to reading what you love. If you want our advice, we recommend smuttin’ it up with some ACOTAR.

Beat the reading lull with a challenge.

Are deadlines and guidelines the thing to kick you into action? Try a reading challenge to beat the slump. Whether it’s reading a certain amount of books within a time limit or reading specific books, turning reading into a game may help you overcome your crash.

how to start reading again

There are tons of challenges to choose from, but if none of them look good to you, you can always create your own! And remember, a challenge doesn’t always mean it has to be high pressure. Make it fun! It can be as simple as challenging yourself to read for 30 minutes a day.

Treat yourself to a new reading gadget.

Sometimes the best way to motivate yourself is to get a new gadget to spring you into action. Even just getting a new bookmark can be enough to encourage you to pick up a book. If a bookmark isn’t enticing enough, there are tons of other awesome reading gadgets out there that are sure to have you eyeing your bookshelf again.

reading gadgets

Besides helping you start to read again, getting something new for yourself is also just a good general rule to follow for some good ol’ fashioned self care. Your TBR can stay unfinished for just a little while longer, we won’t tell anyone.

It’s okay if none of these work for you. Sometimes we just need a break from the things we love so they don’t turn into things that we hate. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you just need to take some time away from reading. We definitely won’t judge since we’ve been there too.

Need some recommendations that we haven’t mentioned yet? Follow us on Instagram and ask us about our other faves!

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