About Ash

About Ash

Hi! I’m Ash.

My name is Ashley, although I go by Ash. I’m one of the co-founders of Between Worlds. Alongside Ky, I have worked really hard to make this site a possibility. I built our website, and I am the main contributor to the blog. I also work hard to keep our socials active and to keep you all updated through email! Our shop designs were created by me, and have made them all available through my Redbubble shop called Sword and Vine!

I am so excited to have you here on our site, and I hope you love our content!


In real life, I am also a writer! I work for a digital marketing company as a content creator, and I do everything from writing to graphic creation to web design! I’m also an aspiring voice actress!
My hobbies that include reading (obvs), playing video games, drawing, baking, and crafting. I love learning new skills, and I am always trying to grow.

Witchy things make me happy, and my dream is to have a house in the woods so I can surrounded by trees all the time. I have been married to my husband for almost 5 years, but we have been together for almost 10! My two human babies and two fur babies constantly keep me on my toes.

Follow me on social media to stay updated with me!